About Us

Meet Danette Moriarty.
I believe that every person deserves the best opportunity for their education – whatever their age.
I am passionate about supporting rural communities in order to reduce travel time, cost and environmental impacts of accessing successful learning support.
Self-Esteem and confidence are the key to personal success, in my opinion. When learning is tricky these traits begin to decline – my goal is to reduce the incidence of “falling through the cracks” in mainstream learning and, by empowering my clients, reduce the incidence of bullying and other negative social impacts. Both at school and in workplaces.
My own learning background is of a very formal and structured nature – and I love to learn. I graduated with my business degree whilst 7 months pregnant!
Our own family’s journey has meant a complete mind shift for me in regard to learning styles both for myself and others. My son’s struggles had me questioning formal structure and, for his own wellbeing, we removed him from structured settings to child led environments.
My story.
As a Mum and a lifelong learner myself I was devastated for my son who was not succeeding at school.
The grief and incomprehension as to why my articulate, out of the box thinking, creative problem solving pre-schooler was just not able to read and was becoming increasingly unhappy prompted my husband and myself to do something.
We started the journey getting assessments for speech, eyesight and back to preschool records to try and find a reason/solution. Living rurally, support was hard to find. Researching, reading (ironic huh?!) and talking to others looking for ideas.
He (and we) lived through the ‘tummy aches’, the dressing into school uniform of a 7 year old, the tears going on the bus, the bed wetting, the stress of being at the ‘bottom of the beanstalk’ (or whatever wall chart measurement was in place in the classroom). We watched the resulting social impacts on our most amazing wee man whose self-esteem was just heading towards rock bottom.
We acted – we could see he was on the cusp of introversion or class clown as a camouflage for the difficulties he was trying so hard to make sense of – but without success.
We met with a facilitator of the Davis™ program – WOW – this person understood our son! The holistic approach to the Davis program was the immediate appeal. Rather than looking at a tutor/support for every subject he ever studies he learnt how to learn using HIS style of thinking and more than that he, and we, learned the GIFT of dyslexia and the awesome skills he has to offer!
We as a family embraced the Davis™ methods – the natural progression was to become trained myself in order to support others in our rural community and beyond.
Who is the program for?
The program is suitable for children and adults – whatever stage of life and experiences. It’s never too late to give the gift of a program to yourself or a loved one to remove any confusions in learning and allow yourself to be the very best version of you with confidence and self-understanding.
There is a Davis™ catch-cry that has become a bit of a mantra for me:
My journey.
I am so thankful for the road we have travelled with our son – the difficulties were tough – but the outcomes have been truly outstanding. Davis™ programs have not ‘fixed’ him – he will always be dyslexic – thank goodness, because what a tonne of gifts he has. However, with his own motivation and responsibility for using his Davis™ techniques he has success in any forum he chooses.
Before Davis™, we would work shoulder to shoulder through the tears and confusions and frustrations of homework. I thought that is what it would be forever in every manner of learning – school, workplace, life.
As I watch him now – in his first year of high school – mastering the timetable, responsible for his belongings and subject requirements, with his own learning space at home and advocating for himself (and others!) in their learning I am so grateful that we happened across Ron Davis’s wonderful programs. And now I see my son venturing into life with success and with the expectation of success.
My passion is for others to be able to access easily the life altering programs that are Davis.
Book a FREE consult.
We would love to hear from you.
Book a consult to ask any questions and find out more
We have been where you are right now, and with kindness and understanding will support you in supporting your loved one – who we know is amazing!

Moving At Pace to Success
Professional services described as Davis™, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis™ Symbol Mastery, Davis™ Orientation Counseling, Davis™ Attention Mastery, Davis™ Math Mastery, and Davis™ Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.